Consultations are only onappointment
Phone: +41 79 460 65 95
Residence of Nozon
1317 Orny, Vaud, Switzerland
Accompagnement holisitque
La vie peut parfois être déconcertante, avec ses moments de flou et ses blocages, qu'ils soient d'ordre professionnel ou personnel.
Une consultation peut être un moment extrêmement utile dans votre vie. Que vous traversiez une phase de transition, cherchiez à définir votre mission de vie ou ressentiez le besoin d'un déblocage énergétique, je suis là pour vous accompagner.
Expérimentés et bienveillants dans divers domaines, tels que la croissance personnelle, la spiritualité énergétique. Mes connaissances approfondies et mon intuition vous guideront pour vous offrir de conseils précieux ainsi que des outils pratiques pour vous aider à surmonter les schémas répétitifs et à avancer dans votre vie.
La prise de rendez-vous peut être le premier pas vers une transformation positive. Je vous offre un espace sûr et confidentiel pour partager vos préoccupations, vos aspirations et vos questions les plus profondes.
En travaillant ensemble, nous pouvons explorer les opportunités cachées et les solutions créatives pour vous accompagner sur votre parcours, vous soutenir et vous guider sur le chemin de la clarté, de l'épanouissement et de la réalisation de votre plein potentiel.
Ne laissez pas les doutes et les incertitudes vous retenir. Prenez rendez-vous dès aujourd'hui et découvrez comment une consultation peut faire la différence dans votre vie. Vous méritez d'être heureux et épanoui.
Contactez-moi dès maintenant pour réserver votre rendez-vous et entamer votre voyage vers une vie plus équilibrée, épanouissante et alignée avec votre véritable essence.
#lecture #akashique #guidance #memoire #incarnation #reincarnation #mission #missiondevie #ame #energie #informations #augure #presages
1 hr 30 min
From 180 Swiss francs
In regards to
Over time, I discovered a passion for Ireland and its culture. I do half a dozen Roadtrips in this country and discover the remains of the Celtic people there... Menhirs, Tumulus, Dolmens, Stone Circles... Everything I see about this country speaks to me... As if I had already been there!
In Switzerland, following my burn-out, I started running in my region, not very motivated and still a little in the atmosphere of Ireland, I looked to see if there were a few stones in my region and discovered the existence of a cromlech. An excellent reason to put on my sneakers and go for a walk... This day in 2017 was the beginning of a new life... My new life!
When it all started...
For as long as I can remember, I have "always" felt. Felt places, people, things unseen. A feeling of being followed. Some small beliefs closer to superstition than religion. With adolescence, the feelings were accentuated, I perceived the emotions of people and when I fixed the faces, they changed shape and that indicated to me if a person was rather positive or negative. I thought it was normal and to tell the truth, I hadn't really asked myself any questions. Until the day when… I was 17 years old, and I saw the devil in someone's face. There. I stopped everything. I stopped having fun” staring at people, feelings, I absolutely blocked everything! In addition, it was the end of the school system, the beginning of professional life and the transition to adult life.
Apart from a few episodes related to certain passages in my life, nothing leaves me thinking of any mediumship. Nothing. A rather Cartesian personality, a job with responsibilities in the field of security, everything seemed to be working rather well until that famous day in 2016. November 25 to be precise. 36 years old and I find myself in total incomprehension, I feel my blood boiling inside my body, it is impossible for me to manage any emotion. I go to my boss to tell him that I need to take a few days off. I would not return to this job again.
A crossing of the desert of a year and a half begins. 36 years old, married, father of 3 young children, with my family, we have just moved into the house which we have just completed construction. Impossible to understand what is happening to me, it's completely irrational, I feel a need for rest. My body has some inexplicable pain, a visit to the bonesetter in the neighboring village puts me on a track. One of those rather short but intense exchanges. The message got through. Something more subtle than a burn out is in the making. We discuss “Aura”, “chakras”, energies.
I begin to question myself on the subject, I document myself, the path of meditation is emerging as evidence for my “ills”. But I know absolutely nothing about it! It's not “my” world. A little alone with myself, I download a “mindfulness” meditation application and I start. Wouaaaaaaaaaah! A new world is ringing at my door! Unblocking. The Universe puts in my way some people practicing meditation. This allows me to be able to discuss a little on the subject. But that's when everything accelerates. I feel again! My childhood memories that I had buried at the bottom reappear! The faces are distorted again. And the feelings come back much stronger. I feel people's auras, I perceive again and above all, the things that were moving in the corners of my eyes are moving again. I had forgotten that this happened to me frequently when I was a kid!
Difficult to manage all that, and above all I want to stop blocking all that. Open up, discover, live. Everything seems to me more brilliant, more colorful, tastier. It is wonder at the slightest unusual thing. But it also becomes unbearable to feel everything like this. So I turn first to lithotherapy, in order to find a pebble with a protective virtue. Tiger's Eye will be the first. It works. I go to the merchant to see which pebble might suit me. A laminated obsidian. I put it in my pocket. I spend the whole day crying for no reason. Later, I will understand that the reason is that “it had to come out” to move forward.
Alright, I take it. I discover energies, I feel better, I feel less need to meditate. But I want to get ahead a little on the subject. I go back to my bonesetter. I receive a treatment, we discuss, he hands me a binder containing information on “the secret” and tells me to read it in order to understand a little how it works and also to look at sacred geometry!
Sacred Geometry?
It is therefore quite natural that by consulting the internet, I come across geobiology and its various themes. The architecture, the networks and this little UFO lost there in the middle, the passage of souls. Without too much interest, faced with the grandiose beauty of the art of the builders! And yet, in the course of my readings and discussions, I get myself a pendulum. I calculate the vibratory rates of places, things, people, etc. I devour the books dealing with the subject, I question with the dowsing tables and it answers. It is magic! I broaden my horizon of “possibles” a little, I look at the side of healing, massages, etc… it works, but it “speaks” to me less and above all I feel a lot of fatigue when I do it.
One day, my son tells me that there is a gentleman in the room. Worried, I turn the whole room over. I don't understand. I ask him where he is. Just there. I understand. Geobiology, and this famous “passage of soul” which attracted me but which I did not necessarily wish to read, for fear of opening something new, something less “technical” than all that I had been able to discover until then… I measure the vibratory rate of the room. He is low. I question. There is an entity. Is it up to me to pass it on? Can I pass it on? Is she ready? YES. This is the beginning of my story as a soul smuggler...